Of Wishes and Resolutions

Image from Shutter stock

We are just beginning to settle in the new year 2022. While it will still take time to getting used to writing 22 in the year column we have (thankfully!) gotten over the arduous task of sending  our New Year Wishes to one and all in our Whatsapp Groups, FB family , Insta, LinkedIn (never mind mindlessly!)

My genuine wishes for all of us is that -

  1. We throw away our masks - physical and otherwise and live in a free world. Over the years I have begun to fear the virtual masks worn by human beings. We no more have the courage of telling our close ones - I love you or otherwise. Sometimes I feel that all are operating with a garb of 'looking good' avoiding our innermost truest feelings! May this year give us the courage to move closer to our family and friends and move away from the ones who no long contribute to our growth.

  2. Our children start going to school to give us parents a breather, not to mention the reduced stress on our teaching community! Not only are the masks suffocating, but the constant attention seeking kids have made breathing all the more difficult. I hope not that we have a generation of human kids who grow up fearing going out of homes, for the fear of some invisible bacteria and the visibly intimidating fellow humans whom they have forgotten meeting / seeing.

  3. We start having conversations with people during a get together rather than just clicking fake smiled selfies and sharing it with the world. At the end of any event all we are left with are hundreds of images hogging the phone memory and none in our memory of having met someone and having a meaningful talk (minus the material acquisitions please!). I am reminded of a train journey I undertook from Chennai to Mumbai many years back and became friendly with a co passenger - yeah those were the days people spoke to each other. Out of the 24 hours we spent in the train, I guess we spoke for most time on religion, the country, our personal beliefs and the exchanges were so wonderful, I still feel rich with the knowledge gained!

  4. We understand the difference between Love and Possessiveness! Today a relationship is seen as successful and happy if we have the other in our constant control. I wish we know that the tighter we hold a handful of sand in our fist the faster it falls off. Giving space for blooming is an important aspect in a relationship, which is being overlooked with 24 * 7 monitoring. Love has already soon escaped from the window, all we are left with is our imaginative remote control over the other. 
    Image from J Krishnamurthi Fan page

  5. We look at ourselves more gently. The next time you look in to the mirror, give yourself a kind smile. Often times we ignore ourselves and only look at the growing bulge or the silver streaks in the mane (for the lucky ones who have the mane!) or the wrinkles enveloping our face. Change your sight and instead look at the sparkle in your eyes that still shines. Self love is the word!

  6. We remind ourselves of the gifts we receive each day from the ones we live with. Often we mix these gifts as our 'rights'. The gifts could be as small as your watchman getting your Amazon parcel home, or your partner handing you a cup of tea or your house help coming on time everyday to clear the mess we made. Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude. Let's make this this Mantra for this year and years to come! And I end with a deep gratitude to you for reading this :)
May the year 2022 herald new beginnings in our outlook and inlook (There is no word like inlook but you get the drift!)

Image from Santabanta.com


Mansi said…
Beautifully written💯
Happy Rao said…
Profound and practical insights
Deepthi Reddy said…
Essentials for today's life very briefly explained 🙏
K Sitaram said…
Truly Gratitude with positive attitude is the need of the hour. Concerns for people have become a thing of the yesterday years with people looking at their own self and not spreading the happiness by sharing either a smile or a small note of THANK YOU. Thank You for spreading the message of GRATITUDE in these difficult times. Well scripted. Great job. KUDOS
A C Bharadwaj said…
Great read. The one thing that I most related to, is the train journey and talking to that stranger on the train. How many times would I have had, interesting conversations with rickshaw drivers? Good old days. Thank you for sharing your thoughts
beautifully expressed! Each point truly touches the heart! Hope 22 brings us more of self containment, confidence n ineer happiness!
Manish Savla said…
Very well written, Sucha. It’s concise and very relatable.
Unknown said…
Maam, sitting on the beach in Havelock, soaking in the morning sun and absorbing these refreshing thoughts is turning out to be an absolute delight.....firstly thank you for the introspective journey into our own selves and the lovely wishes.....I too wish that all of us someday would be empathetic to each other's sensibilities and offer a smile for each day that we breathe and contribute to this life by showering love, kindness, empathy and gratitude.
Thank you once again maam....a very happy new year to you too!!!:)
Unknown said…
I enjoyed reading it Sucha❤️
Very well penned.
Vishnupriya said…
Beautiful and deep! Sucha Garu..❤️
Sucha said…
Thank you all for your encouraging words and getting my wishes sent heart to heart!
Unknown said…
Very beautifully penned.Touched on the iJust what everyone needs ,a wake up call to your inner self
Anonymous said…
My gratitude to you for penning a thoughtful note on unmasking the self. Gratitude for considering me a person who needs unmasking🤨
Gratitude for being my good friend who reminds me to keep smiling. Gratitude for being a wonderful Woman.
Savita said…
Sucha may you keep writing more regularly. loved reading this ....

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