You are mine - always!

Let me say this, I am proud of my position - literally and otherwise! I am what you call ' the center of existence' for ALL the people who live close to me. Not a single day goes by when people do not come to me to share a happy news or a sad one. I know the latest gossip that happens - call it grape vine or healthy discussions. I know it all.

Just the other day  a group of ladies (yes they love me the most!) came to me with their horror stories of hours spent in 'house keeping' and how their effort is hardly acknowledged by the family members. I felt sad hearing this, after all the woman of a house is like the 'spoke' of a wheel, if she is well tuned and happy everything falls in place. I could not offer much advice except showing my stoic presence to them and they understood they could always come to me when needed.

Then these children, I have no clue why a school goer needs a 'boy friend' or a 'girl friend' - I spend hours every day hearing  secrets of 'how to over smart the parents' and meet. Of course I also listen to stories of woe and despair, cheating and deceit. I secretly feel the parents are not giving enough love that makes these little ones go and seek false love in the outside world. All the children boast of the latest gadgets but none speak of the love and affection received at home. Seeking permanent love from some fleeting relationships! Such a folly I tell you, but who will tell these young people who think 'they know it all'. I hope and pray they understand none of their so called 'friends' will come to them in times of need. Hopefully with time they will get it!

The older generation is another group who come to me. No one speaks at home, only the walls are ours. Grand children think we are outdated, children too busy for us - this is the common saga of the seniors. Yes, you got it! I am like the 'Agony Aunt' for all ages :) I get to hear both side of the stories, from the ladies who gossip and the elders who lament. And I wonder- what if both spoke to each other than tell me their sob stories!

I feel for the men. They love me, acknowledge my presence but they can never come and sit with me, even for a few minutes. Their partners can instantly sense 'insecurity' and shoo them away. I wish some day these stoic looking men, pour out their hearts to me. All they have is their cell phone as their constant companion. It makes them look busy and important. I hope they do not spend the rest of their lives in this false sense of companionship.

Do you think I am lamenting too! Oh no - just wanted to convey that you may feel I am not listening. But I laugh when you laugh, I secretly cry when you do, but most of all I feel extremely helpless when you leave me and go away. Will you remember me? Will you think of me fondly or with some remorse? Wherever you are, let me assure you all your secrets are buried deep within me, I will never breathe it out even in the most compelling times. May the force be with you.

Always the one who watches over you,

Yours truly
- Champa Tree of I Block Hyderabad Estate, Mumbai


Sucharam said…
U r a true mentor.. I love u n respect you from bottom of my heart.. Just believe
Unknown said…
Great write up mam...
Santosh Dadke said…
Welcoming initiative.. nice content.. Sairam...
Unknown said…
Hi, Sucha. Beautifully articulated. Well, to the put your entire experience in a nutshell, there is the whole universe between positive and negative. It is only the HOPE which keeps all going in life. Though, miles away the least I can do is pray for the best of your, my brother's and the little one's health.All the best. TC Just a call away will minimize the distance and enhance your confidence and morale. Keep in touch. Akka.

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