The lost nest

As a onslaught of the construction industry the green cover opposite our flat has been fully razed to the ground. A once upon a time "cynosure of all eyes" is another construction site now with the regular mud & grime taking the toll on us. No more lazy times sitting by the window sipping tea, watching the brilliant tree cover with a blank mind. Soon there would be houses, people who may peep in to our house or worse still, start predicting the time table of our lives!

In all this transition the worst hit creatures seem to be the birds that used to frequent the trees making their homes in the sylvan surroundings. It used to be a matter of pride to be sitting near the window and see a variety of rare birds from home. Now all I can see is a desperate search by some birds trying to find their once comfortable nest; all gone by a single stroke powered by the quest of money.

As some of my close pals come on their annual visit "to India" (it never stops amazing me how we refer to home as "India" no sooner we are out of it) I can feel deep pangs of loneliness in them too. What once was their kingdom is no more the same. The siblings are busy in their own lives, parents happy that the children are back but secretly waiting for their peaceful lives to return. Friends who once spent days with each other now suddenly look at their appointments and can spare time only for "lunch on Sunday"!.

Makes the "India" visitors wonder what was it that they were so excited about before taking the trip! Months of planning, buying gifts for all & sundry (not forgetting the ex-maid's child!), spending anxious hours packing trying to fit the world in to the allotted baggage..all this and more loses it's fizz no sooner they land. Everyone "moves on" in life but when the reality of this hits you, it does not sound as fancy I suppose.

It is only when they start talking in the past tense "in earlier days.." types that I realize it is another case of someone trying to find the lost nest...


Varshaa said…
Time is a precious commodity in every part of the world. In Australia, there are usually environmental impact studies before approvals are given for big projects. REcently the government of Queensland spent close to $ 2 million for a similar study for a proposed dam and had to back out after there was a major public outcry although the feasibility study did not throw up major environmental issues.
In the pursuit of material wealth, concepts like sarve jana sukhino bhavantu go out of the window.
I sometimes feel that some of the essential truths mentioned in our ancient texts can be followed better away from their place of origin.
My little two pennies worth for your well written article.
Sucha said…
Thanks Varshaa for your time spent here. Environmental causes are fought even in India, but the power of builder's money is too much here to make everything else look minuscule..

I am not sure if cleanliness is next to God but surely confirming the fact that money is next most powerful thing to HIM!
K Sitaram said…
Well written sucha. Keep it up.
Sathish said…
Its an awesome post.

I feel this is applicable to people who work in india too but those who are away from home.
Naresh said…
beautifully written :) again!!
so true... we are lucky to have some green cover around us, but thats just because ours is a disputed land.. the case has been in court for ages, and no new constructions are possible...however, the downside of this is that we are stuck with the same old flat and building which may just fall down one fine day because no changes can be made on the outside... as it is, the buildings stand on salt pan land, which is marshy, and the construction is not all that great... besides, all the buildings are at least 35 years old... this is one case where i dont know what to support - the environment, or our own needs - if the case is decided in favour of a builder we getter better homes, and if it isnt, the birds get to stay... am sure the birds will fly the moment the builders arrive... so as of now, we are just making the most of the moment..who knows what tomorrow will bring!

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